Angolan Giraffe


The average height of a giraffe is about 4,9 m to 5,2 m for males and 4,3 m to 4,6 for females. The average mass is 1191 Kg for males and 828 Kg for females.

A feature oft he skulls of adult giraffes ist he two prominent backward sloping horns which arise from the top oft he braincase. These horns are not so well developed in females as in males which may have yet a further median horn arisind from the forehead between the eyes.




Giraffes occur in a wide variety of dry savanna associations ranging from scrub to woodland, providing that theese include the particular range od food plants necessary to cover their seasonal requirements. They do not occur in forest and generally are not associated with open plains. While they will drink regularly where water is available they are not dependent on it and can obtain their moisture from their food plants.

In Namibia giraffes occur in the extreme northeastern parts oft he country south to about 20°S on the Botswana border.




Giraffes are predominatly diurnal but they will also feed and move during the hours of darkness. During the hottest hours oft he day they rest, either stnanding or lying down in the open or in shade, with their necks erect.

The maximum speed attained at the gallop was only some 56 Km/h, which is far less than some other species attain and which is perhaps surprising in view oft he tremendous length of their legs. They can also jump fences up to about 1,5 m high. Although generally considered voiceless, giraffe grunt or snort when alarmed.

The bulls are mainly solitary, wandering from herd to herd.




Source: Wikipedia, J D Skinners and R H D Smithers: the mammals of the southern african subregion